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A quarter of over-65s consider stairlifts for their home

7th March 2018

As more people are enjoying an extended retirement, the country is having to look at the way it adapts to the years after work. While the country is adjusting the infrastructure, with A&E’s having specialist units for older patients, individuals are having to consider their homes and how suitable they will be in the years after retirement.

There is a multitude of ways to make a home more suitable for people with limited mobility. Research from Key Retirement says that half of the over-65’s in the study wanted to focus on ensuring the garden remained manageable and accessible but nearly a quarter (22 percent) are looking to install a stair lift in their home.

The bathroom was also another area that was a priority, with one in five people wanting a bathroom downstairs. An accessible bathroom is not just about being on the ground floor, as walk in showers and baths are a highly sought after renovation when it comes to accessible home improvements.

Other areas that older adults were looking to improve included improving their central heating or upgrading their windows to double or triple glazing.

The number of people who are looking to adapt their home shows the trend of remaining independent and on their own property is continuing to prove popular. The research also looked at those who had already adapted or were looking to renovate their home between the ages of 55 and 64. Of this group, nearly 30 percent had already invested in making their property more accessible, while 39 percent were planning to do so in the near future.

This proactive attitude to ageing and mobility ensures people are able to live independently and comfortably with all the modern mobility aids technology, such as homelifts has to offer. It also exposes the need for adapted properties and many housing developers are looking to include homes that are more accessible in the future. 

This news article is from Handicare UK. Articles that appear on this website are for information purposes only and are up to date as of the time of publishing