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Bus stop move to distress elderly

25th June 2014

The moving of bus stops in Twickenham town centre has sparked concerns over the impact such a move will have on the area’s elderly. As the bus is a popular way for elderly residents to get around outside of the house, the moving of bus stops is a cause for concern as not only have all stops been removed from King Street, but it could also cause distress as people miss their changes and could also prove dangerous with crossing the road.

The move was made at the beginning of this month and has proved quite upsetting for a number of residents who feel that the move could greatly impact on their mobility outside of the home. This is a particularly concerning topic as for many people across the country the home, when fitted with stairlifts and mobility aids, is the only place where they can feel as though they retain a level of mobility.

Conflicting views

While some are against the new bus stop move, one councillor has supported the changes, as Geoffrey Samuel, deputy leader of Richmond Council Councillor, stating in this article that, “The bus stop in Cross Deep is next to one of the biggest medical practices in Twickenham - this will be hugely beneficial,” suggesting that it will be “more user-friendly for shoppers”. While the change can be seen as confusing by some, it is thought that by offering two different options to board busses for passengers who change at King Street, the new system will be beneficial to all.

Another councillor, Leader of the Liberal Democrats in Richmond, Stephen Knight, however, sees how the changes could be problematic, stating that “We felt that moving them would disadvantage bus users, particularly the elderly and those with mobility problems”.

As the argument over the new bus changes continue, more elderly or mobility-restricted residents could feel that they have no other option than to sit in their rise and recliner chair at home rather than be able to continue using the bus service to venture out.

Image Credit: Tobias Abel (

This news article is from Handicare UK. Articles that appear on this website are for information purposes only and are up to date as of the time of publishing