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Girl Guides introduce a new badge

19th October 2017

Loneliness is an ongoing problem in older communities in the UK. Though much research has been carried out detailing the negative psychological and physical effects of loneliness, this is not always translating into solutions for the problem. This isolation is felt most keenly by those with mobility problems and those who rely on home facilities such as a stair lift. An inability to get out and see family and friends often increases feelings of isolation.


The Girl Guides have taken it upon themselves to lessen the loneliness felt by older adults with a new badge. The Girl Guides is an association that has been established for over a hundred years and created by Robert Baden-Powell. Part of the Girl Guide Promise includes “To serve the Queen and my community” and it is in the vein that the additional badge has been created.


The new badge began as a small project in Manchester, but in September it was rolled out to all 5,000 Rainbows, Brownies and Girl Guides in the city with the expectation of becoming a part of the national program. There was a trial run of the badge with Brownies and Rainbows taking part in events for older adults. These included storytelling and craft sessions and even producing a play at a sheltered home. 


The Girl Guides Association has members of all different age groups, Rainbows are aged between 5 and 7, and they then progress to Brownies until they are 10. Guides fall into the age group of 10 to 1 and from there they become Seniors. The range of age groups means that older adults can interact with a wide range of age groups depending on what they are comfortable with.


This follows the success of the Channel 4’s Old People’s Home for 4 Year Old’s where young children were introduced to a group of older adults. Having seen the positive effects children have on those over 60, it is becoming a more established principle. The Manchester Health and Care Commissioning were behind the idea and hope it will also help bring the communities together.  

Image Credit: Elizabeth Goodspeed

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