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Golf club is now accessible to all thanks to stairlift

26th November 2013

The owners of Marlborough Golf Club have been working towards making the club an accessible place for everyone and the latest addition of a stairlift and improvements to toilet facilities have helped the club to achieve this aim.

A £50,000 grant was given to the golf club by the Hills Group, a recycling and construction company based in Wiltshire to help them achieve their aims. As well as adding the essential stair lift solution and improving the toilet facilities to include a new disabled toilet, a new golf range that has been designed with accessibility in mind has been created for all members of the public to use.

David Capel, chairman of Marlborough Golf Club’s development committee, and Les Trute, the general manager of the golf club, decided that the golf club needed significant improvements in terms of accessibility after they opened the facilities of Marlborough Golf Club to the general public. Now those with mobility difficulties can access the clubhouse, bar and restaurant facilities that are on the first floor, and enjoy the views across Marlborough Downs that Trute said "are some of the best in the area".

In an interview with The Wiltshire Gazette and Herald, Capel said: “We hope it will encourage more people to come and enjoy spending some time outdoors… It’s one of the few sports that has no age barrier and can be enjoyed by the whole family.” Although the work has come to an end for now, scrapped plans to build a tennis facility that can be used all year round could be reconsidered, with special provision for people to have a go at wheelchair tennis.

The alterations and addition of mobility aids to Marlborough Golf Club mean that those who use wheelchairs or have difficulty walking can now join their families, friends and fellow golf fans in making the most of the golf club.

Source: Marlborough Golf Club's disabled facilities get a lift

Image Credit: Qrodo Photos (

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