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Home security scheme for the elderly

4th July 2014

In a bid to help elderly residents in Hampshire feel safer in their own homes, county bosses have donated funding towards the Blue Lamp Trust’s Bobby Scheme that provides free home security and safety hardware. While mobility aids such as rise and recliner chairs for the elderly and stairlifts can ensure that elderly residents retain independence in their homes, this new scheme will hopefully better enable elderly residents in the area to stay in their own homes by offering much needed safety and reassurance.

A total of £5,000 has been donated, with the money going to the Blue Lamp Trust’s Bobby Scheme – a free of charge service that offers peace of mind for needy, elderly and vulnerable victims of burglary. It is hoped that by providing free security and elderly residents using such aids as straight stairlifts they can continue living an independent lifestyle in their own home, feeling safe and secure.

Peace of mind

The money is set to go towards the provision of door locks, chains, spyholes, bolts, window locks and glass alarms that will hopefully vastly improve how secure elderly residents in the area feel in their own homes, as well as cracking down on targeted elderly robberies. It is thought that the funding will benefit around 500 residents, with many referred by local police, fire services and authorities.

The Hampshire Bobby Scheme was set up to prevent stress-related illness, depression and turmoil that sometimes occur as a result of burglaries, particularly in the elderly, whereby providing such simple security measures gives residents the peace of mind that comes from security in their home.

From homelifts to other mobility aids for the bathroom, Age UK has a range of solutions available to help

Image Credit: Wetsun (


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