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Liverpool named as one of the UK's most accessible cities

7th August 2018


Liverpool has been named as one of the UK’s most accessible cities according to users on Euan’s Guide. Anfield Stadium, FACT Picturehouse and the Liverpool World Museum are just some of the venues that have been praised for being highly accessible and disabled-friendly.

Euan’s Guide was set up in 2013 by powerchair user Euan Macdonald. The site looks to offer advice and information ‘by disabled people to disabled people’ about the accessibility of venues across the UK, and is particularly useful for individuals who heavily rely on the help of staff and quality stairlifts.

Anfield Stadium is one of Liverpool’s most popular attractions, but what did disabled reviewers have to make of its accessibility? One reviewer said that Anfield Stadium’s wheelchair access is ‘first-class’ with the stewards making the experience a breeze. Another user described the staff as being “very warm and friendly” and welcoming right from the start of the tour.

When it comes to FACT Picturehouse, one reviewer was highly impressed with the amount of accessibility features: “Most of the films are audio-described and have induction loops. This cinema is wheel chair accessible. They show autism friendly screenings and show toddler friendly films. Also Tuesdays and Thursdays are silver screen with reduced rates for over 60s and a free coffee/tea. It also has a great Café and with a CEA membership, your sighted guide gets in free!”

Liverpool’s World Museum also gets a big thumbs up, as one wheelchair visitor was very pleased with the help and accessibility of the venue: “All wheelchair accessible, with friendly, helpful staff, including restaurant.

“Level access throughout, including restaurant. Lifts to all floors. Level access entrance to building to the left of the stairs up to the main entrance.”

To find out more about Liverpool’s great accessible venues, check out our accessibility guide to going on a weekend break in Liverpool.

This news article is from Handicare UK. Articles that appear on this website are for information purposes only and are up to date as of the time of publishing