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Older people heckle David Cameron at Age UK rally

14th April 2015

David Cameron was met with a negative response at a recent Age UK General Election rally, when older angry attendees began heckling him. More than 250 pensioners attended the event, with many shouting ‘rubbish’, ‘lies’ and ‘answer the question’, and one even waving his walking stick at Mr Cameron. The event was organised by Age UK, where representatives from five major parties gave speeches and were offered the opportunity to speak face-to-face with the older generation.

The prime minister was asked a number of questions about the NHS and healthcare, with many of the audience challenging his previously made decisions. He struggled to answer a number of questions, including those regarding the pay of nurses and prescription charges. This included one question from 86-year-old Alfred Chemo, who asked what Mr Cameron would do to stop NHS nurses joining expensive agencies.

Prime Minister met with a negative response from angry pensioners

To this, the prime minister replied that he would address the managers who are planning the care in hospitals, in order to ensure that the nurses and doctors have got what they need. However, this answer did not satisfy Mr Chemo, who suggested that the prime minister’s unsatisfactory response had not secured a vote for the Conservatives from him.

However, while speaking, Mr Cameron did highlight the Coalition’s moves to ensure state pension increases each year and the funding given to the NHS. He also reminded those attending that he had protected pensioner ‘perks’ such as the bus pass, helping to provide accessibility for those who may rely on mobility aids such as walking sticks and stair lifts in the home.

Later in the question and answer session, Mr Cameron was forced to plead with the audience in order to speak to the media, which left him appearing undermined. The response he received from those attending the Age UK rally was very similar to that experienced by Tony Blair in 2000, when he attended a Women’s Institute conference and was met with slow-hand clapping.

Image Credit: mrgarethm (

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