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Richmond Council to help elderly in housing plan

30th January 2014

In some fantastic news for the people of Richmond, it has been announced that a four-year plan has been laid out to tackle housing challenges within the borough.

As part of the Housing Strategy, which was discussed by the council’s cabinet at a meeting earlier this month, there will be an effort to ensure that affordable housing is not only of high quality, but also that properties are well designed to accommodate all types of owner.

There will also be a concerted effort to help elderly and vulnerable residents who still wish to live in their homes, with grants to be offered for disabled families on low incomes. With many elderly residents being uneasy on their feet and finding it difficult to safely ascend or descend a staircase, the aforementioned grants could prove vital in helping people to afford mobility aids such as indoor stairlifts, rise and recliner chairs and walk in showers.

Local government focus on elderly

Councillor David Marlow, the local cabinet member for housing, outlined the importance of the council’s need to assist elderly residents. He said: “We will always do what we can to help our most vulnerable residents which is why helping elderly and disabled residents to continue to live independently within our community forms a major part of this four-year strategy.”

It is a great example of how local governments up and down the country are doing their bit to help the elderly, with these grants for aids such as rise and recliner chairs for the home enabling them to carry out everyday tasks and live out their retirement to the full.

Another focus is to help the borough’s vulnerable residents, enabling those who use the council’s learning disability service or another provision to live independently through supported living.

Image Credit: Lynne Carpenter (

This news article is from Handicare UK. Articles that appear on this website are for information purposes only and are up to date as of the time of publishing