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Best disability blogs and resources

11th April 2023

Whether you’ve recently been diagnosed with a condition, experienced mobility issues or are caring for a family member, you may feel lost and isolated. Fortunately, there is an assortment of blogs written by like-minded people and industry professionals that can provide you with invaluable insight when you need it most. From tips for those who use stairlifts and walk in showers, to dealing with your disability diagnosis, here are some of the top resources, bloggers and vloggers below for you to discover.

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  • Disability resources
  • Top disability blogs
  • Best disability vlogs

Disability resources


Evenbreak is a not-for-profit organisation that was formed to help disabled jobseekers discover inclusive employees as well as to promote the business benefits of hiring disabled people.

Jane Hatton, the Founder/CEO of Evenbreak, said: “I started the blog for two reasons really – to encourage employers to use best inclusive practice in recruiting and employing disabled people, and to help disabled people thrive in the world of work.”

Disability Thinking

Disability Thinking was created by Andrew as a platform to share disability-related news. A fantastic platform for disabled people and carers alike, you can find posts on topics such as identity and culture, politics and life with a disability. Additionally, Andrew publishes a weekly Disability Blogger Link-Up, where people can post their favourite piece of writing about disability for others to read, allowing people to network.

Reif Counselling Services

Reif Counselling Services is a counselling practice that helps people with disabilities and their caregivers. It is run by Rose who began blogging to share resources with her counselling clients.

She said: “If I could share pre-written resources with them between sessions, I knew that it would free up time during our meetings to allow for more meaningful conversation. I also knew that there are many people with disabilities and caregivers who are without mental health support. I chose to blog to share support and strategies with those individuals as well.”

“Having a disability or loving someone who does can leave you feeling isolated, exhausted, and overwhelmed. It may feel impossible to dream about the future because you feel like you're living from crisis to crisis. In spite of that, I believe that mental wellness is possible for people with disabilities and the people who love them. I know this to be true because I have seen my clients overcome their anxiety and sadness and find a new purpose. I love hearing that people find the support they need on my blog. But if you need more than that, please find a counsellor in your local area (or someone like me who offers online therapy) who can help you manage your stressors and find balance in your life.”

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PurpleSpace is the world’s only networking and professional development hub for disabled employees, resource group leaders and allies from all sectors and trades.

Purple Space is a small business that aims to build confidence for those with a disability in the working environment whilst offering support.

Euan's Guide

Euan MacDonald launched the disabled access review website Euan’s Guide. The site shares stories and experiences of thousands of disabled people who review places they’ve visited on their site.

A spokesperson from the site said: “What makes the Euan’s Guide blog so interesting is that it’s made up of real stories from disabled people right now. If we notice lots of interesting reviews for accessible museums coming in, we’ll write a blog about unusual museums with wheelchair access, museums that have Early Bird Openings, excellent touch tours or anything else that our readers will love. That’s why the next story to appear on our blog always has an element of surprise!”

“We love the knowledge that our blogs and the reviews that make them are helping disabled people find great places to go. By writing stories based upon the access reviews that people send us, we know that we’re sharing real experiences that can make a difference to those who find themselves returning to the same places over and over. We want to show the unexpectedly accessible places as well as the cafés, shops, parks and everyday places that people can visit equipped with the access information they require. We love hearing from readers who have read a post, checked the reviews and then gone to visit the places they’ve discovered through our blog!”

“Often, we’ll write blogs for venues too. These are among our most popular articles and they can help to drive change in the real world. We love coming up with new stories to offer our top tips for everything from access to pubs to how venue owners can make their accessible loo a safer place to visit.”

Euan’s Guide has not only become one of the biggest disabled travel blogs and resources in the UK and the rest of the world.


Disability equality charity, Scope, strives to achieve a society where all disabled people enjoy equality and fairness. The website offers both practical advice and emotional support for those who have been diagnosed with a condition and is perfect for carers and disabled people to read. There is an online community where you can talk to others who are going through similar experiences.

Special Needs Jungle

The Special Needs Jungle was set up by parents to inform others about special education needs, disabilities, health conditions and rare diseases. With easy-to-follow articles and resources, it allows parents to develop an understanding of their child’s conditions, whilst the website aims "to inform, educate and empower families to self-advocate confidently, so their children get the help they need to live the best life they can."

When They Get Older

When They Get Older helps people supporting older family and friends navigate the highs and lows through a wealth of articles, news and stories that provide practical ideas.

They said: “It can be a tremendous shock to discover that you’ve become the prime support for an older relative or friend and knowing which way to turn can be a nightmare. That’s where we aim to help. Because we’ve been there ourselves, we understand the stresses of helping seniors to get the care they need and continue to achieve a good quality of life.

“We have several goals. First, we’re a good place to start. We don’t attempt to cover every detail of every situation, but we’ll point you in the direction of a larger organisation that can. Second, we want to help you avoid reinventing the wheel. From understanding health issues and getting social help to choosing a suitable holiday, we have valuable tips and advice. And third, we offer much-needed emotional support. Until you’ve started caring, it’s almost impossible to understand the stresses involved and supporters can feel very alone. We not only publish blogs to show that there are others who do get it, but we are very fortunate to have our own elder care ‘agony aunt’, who’s available to help readers with balancing caring with their own needs.”

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Disabled World

Disabled World, a hugely popular mobility blog, offers information on a range of different disabilities. As well as guidance for seniors, you will be able to find assistive device reviews and articles on everything from helpful tips to disability sports articles.

The site is independently run and it reports daily on news surrounding disability topics, with its information coming from volunteers.

Disability Horizons

Founded in 2011, Disability Horizons was created by two friends, Martyn and Srin, The website is an invaluable resource for disabled people and carers, as you can find a wealth of information, from employment and entertainment to lifestyle and relationships.

The community element allows others to connect, whilst the banks of information on a variety of different topics are great for those looking for more information or particular products.

A Different Kind of Vision

A Different Kind of Vision writes about concepts directly relating to the Expanded Core Curriculum (ECC) for children with vision impairments. The ECC is a disability-specific curriculum and is a vital part of the education of children with vision impairments.

Robbin Keating Clark talks a bit more about the site: “I started my blog, A Different Kind of Vision because I realised there wasn't a lot of resources for teaching the Expanded Core Curriculum for students with vision impairments. The Expanded Core is a disability-specific curriculum that targets the unique needs of students with vision impairments. I wanted to show teachers ideas, resources, and examples of how to teach the ECC to students of all abilities and vision loss.

“We have to stop looking at the disability and start seeing ability. Blindness is not the worst thing that can happen to someone. Blind people can and do live thriving, successful adult lives. We must shatter the misconceptions that blindness is a devastating disability. We need the right tools and expectations of our students with vision impairments to help them succeed in life.”


Gransnet works as a social networking site for grandparents. It covers all aspects of grandparenting, and it is a great place for people to ask questions and find answers on all sorts of issues, including how to plan a day out with the grandchildren when you have reduced mobility, or have a read of their health and style posts.

Their blog section has all sorts of posts from Gransnet guest bloggers that could be of interest to grandparents of all ages and nationalities.

Top disability blogs

A Life on Wheels

Ross is the author behind the A Life On Wheels site and he spoke about how he set up one of the best disability blogs in the UK and explains what it is about.

“I’ve always had a passion to work in the media, whether that be in front of the camera, or writing behind the scenes. Blogging is something I have always wanted to do, but it wasn’t until last year that I finally took the plunge and launched my own website.

“A Life on Wheels does exactly what it says on tin… I started my blog as a way of documenting my journey through adulthood, as a young man with a physical disability. Often described as a ‘cheeky chappy’, I like to use my platform to share comical lifestyle stories, as well as reviewing disability access along the way. On a personal level, blogging has been such a confidence boost for me. Once a very shy and anxious individual, I am now happy to share my stories and most importantly raise awareness.

“Meeting other like-minded people and collaborating with exciting brands has ultimately been a dream come true for me. The blogging community is something that I am so proud to be a part of - and without the power of social media - none of this would have been possible.”

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Bethan Elizabeth

Bethan Elizabeth was the writer behind Mermaid in Disguise, but in the past few years, she rebranded the blog. Despite the rebrand, the blog continues to talk about all things beauty, plus size fashion, lifestyle and disability as Bethan has a chronic illness which results in her having to use a wheelchair to get about.

Bethan spoke about why she started her mobility blog: “I’m too ill to work in anything that involves leaving the house every day and having a set schedule because my body definitely does not stick to a schedule. Blogging is something I can do around my disability which involves a lot of writing in the middle of the night.

“My favourite thing about blogging is definitely the incredible friends I have made along the way. Two of my closest friends I only met because of our blogs and online presence. I now can’t imagine my life without them.”

My Blurred World

Elin Williams is the Welsh woman behind the award-winning lifestyle and disability blog, My Blurred World and was named as one of the most influential disabled people in the UK in 2018.

Elin said: “When I started blogging, there weren’t many people who were talking about vision impairment online, not from the perspective of a blind/VI person anyway. I was also feeling really isolated at the time and I thought that starting my blog would help in terms of being able to write my feelings down on a page and perhaps finding comfort in doing so. I was also coming across a rise in the misconceptions surrounding disability and I wanted to create a platform to try to raise awareness of these as well as talking about how I make daily tasks accessible to me as a visually impaired person.”

“My blog started with a focus on accessible beauty and I wanted to share how I was making things such as beauty and fashion accessible to me. I also wanted to share my experiences with sight loss in the hope that it would help, educate and motivate others since helping other people is something I’m incredibly passionate about.”

Her blog continues to be regarded as one of the best disability blogs in the UK and is read by people from across the country.

Love That Max

Love That Max was launched in 2008, to be both an inspirational and informational place on the topic of cerebral palsy.

Writer Ellen Seidman spoke about her blog: “When I started this blog, Max was five. Originally, I planned to call it ‘To The Max’. That name was taken, but it's exactly how I felt about Max's progress—even at that young age, he had surpassed all the bad, bad things we'd been told at his birth.”

Today, the blog shares glimpses into the life of Max’s family, championing his successes and noting down milestones.


Fashioneysta, which is a blog run by Emily, looks to dispel misconceptions and myths that people don’t understand or believe.

Emily said: “People couldn't understand how I, as a legally blind person, could apply makeup or would want to wear heels. They would say things like ‘you don't look blind and ‘how is it you can do makeup when you can't see’. So, I decided to make a blog, a space on the internet to talk about the things I loved: style, beauty, travel and disability awareness. I figured if I was going to change perceptions towards disability then I'd do it in style.

“My favourite part about blogging is the community. Becoming a blogger I have met so many interesting people, other bloggers and influencers from all over the world. From America to Australia, I have made a whole new friendship group online. It gives me the chance to get inspiration and ideas, but it also gives me support as I can connect and talk to other disabled people who experience similar issues to myself.”

When Tania Talks

When Tania Talks focuses on the author Tania and her love of beauty and fashion, as well as her diagnosis of a chronic illness. As a disability blogger, her blog posts share insight into her life with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Basilar Type migraines and Meares-Irlen syndrome, amongst other conditions. This blog is perfect for disabled people and carers alike.

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Yes, That Too

Alyssa Hillary is an Autistic graduate student that writes about life, the universe, and pretty much anything on her blog Yes, That Too.

She adds: “I blog because I tend to process my thoughts through writing/typing, and the people I tell often find my thoughts interesting, so I started sharing them.”

Gem Turner

With everything from fashion and shoes to technology and makeup, Gem Turner’s blog includes it all. However, most importantly, it is a place where she can talk about her experiences with a disability.

Diagnosed with Brittle Bones, Gem uses a wheelchair to help her get around, a topic which she covers on her blog. Whether she’s informing her readers about accessibility or what it is like for her to socialise, her friendly posts are ‘basically like an online diary’.

Simply Emma

Simply Emma is a leading travel and disability blog that focuses on accessible travel and life experiences from a wheelchair user’s perspective.

Emma talks about setting up the blog initially: “For many reasons, I just kept putting it off until one day the idea just stuck, and I knew I had to give it a go and start my travel, disability and lifestyle blog. I think it was mainly down to a series of bad experiences of travelling and accessibility issues as a wheelchair user that finally made me do it.

“I wanted to share my bad experiences and promote the good experiences in the hope of raising awareness of disability, in particular, Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy and the many accessibility barriers wheelchair users face. I also wanted to challenge the perceptions people may have of wheelchair users.”

Life of an Ambitious Turtle

Life of an Ambitious Turtle follows Fi who was diagnosed with a rare form of Muscular Dystrophy called Multiminicore Myopathy at the age of three and has been wheelchair-dependent since the age of six.

As well as her mobility blog, Fi is an active campaigner and disability activist who is also a mother of two children. As part of her work as a campaigner, she has been given the title of Transport Ambassador with Muscular Dystrophy UK and helped in awareness campaigns such as trying to implement the need for fully accessible toilets across the UK.

Wheel Escapades

Gemma from Wheel Escapades lives with Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type 2 and has been blogging since 2016. She spoke about why she created her blog: “I get into some awkward, funny and difficult situations mainly due to my disability, I also get different experiences and treatment with/from people due to being a wheelchair user. My friends and I would always joke about this, the good and the bad, as a way of coping I guess.

“Sometimes you have to laugh, or you’ll go crazy. Often saying if only people could hear us, I should write a book of all this drama. Well, I guess blogging is my book of tales.

“I also wanted a serious side to the blog. Not many websites give you the gritty details of accessibility to a venue. Yes, they are starting to announce being ‘wheelchair accessible’ or having an ‘accessible toilet’ but accessible can mean so many different things. Just getting in the entrance doesn’t make a venue/event accessible. I wanted to chart good and bad access. To get people to look at it more.”

Since its creation, Wheel Escapades has become one of the best disabled travel blogs in the UK and it is now used as a resource for other travellers who are wheelchair users or suffer from a mobility issue.

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She Might Be Loved

She Might Be Loved is a blog written by Georgina Grogan, who is a Sheffield-based full-time blogger and freelance social media manager.

The blog was created in 2013 and it features everything from talking about being disabled to her cats, travels, family life and her favourite food. There are lots of interesting articles you can read about her chronic illness and disability and she offers advice on topics such as accessible travelling and treatments.

Life of Pippa

Life of Pippa is a blog written by Pippa Stacey, a chronically ill writer based in Yorkshire. Halfway through her time at university, she acquired a debilitating chronic illness. This blog speaks up about life as a young adult with a long-term condition as well as talking about theatre and books, lifestyle and fundraising.

Pippa said: “When things started to feel a little less like the end of the world, I started to engage with media opportunities, speaking up about life as a student with a long-term condition.

“I’ve always been a writer, but it was during this time that I realised that I was rather enjoying these experiences and wanted to branch out. Living with a long-term chronic illness has taught me to find humour in even the most unfortunate situations, giving rise to plenty of what are now well-known among friends as ‘Life of Pippa’ moments. Therefore, I decided to launch my own blog of the same name, featuring some of my favourite things: theatre and books, as well as lifestyle and fundraising.

“Since then, I’ve had more opportunities than I ever thought could come from a personal blog: it's even influenced my career path! However, my most favourite thing about blogging is having the kindest, most thoughtful online community of support: the fact that people actually take the time to read my posts and engage with them still baffles me every single day, and I couldn't be more thankful.”

David Ventures

Despite having Cerebral Palsy, David from David Ventures is an avid cyclist and sports enthusiast who won’t let his disability prevent him from participating in outdoor pursuits.

From skiing to cycling, David documents his life on his blog, and through his writing as well as motivational speaking and mentoring he shares his experiences to help inspire others. If you have a mobility issue and are planning a holiday, you should take a look at this blog for some inspiration as it is one of the best disability travel blogs in the UK.

Life of a Blind Girl

Life of a Blind Girl was created in 2015 by Holly and it shares her experiences of living with a vision impairment in a predominantly sighted world.

Holly speaks about starting her blog and what she aims for readers to take from it: “I started blogging to share my experiences of living with a visual impairment in a predominantly sighted world, to share my experiences of living with a disability and to help others in the same or similar situation.

“I also wanted to tackle the common misconceptions surrounding visual impairment and disability and educate society on these topics.

“I started blogging as a way of doing all of this, but also as a means of sharing my thoughts, feelings and experiences. I wanted people to know that disabled people can do normal, everyday things and be independent despite having a disability. I love so many things about blogging but one of my favourite things is being able to help others and raise awareness of visual impairment and disability. I receive comments and messages from people saying that my blog posts have really helped them in some way or another, and that means the world to me.”

Chloe Tear

Chloe Tear is an award-winning disability blogger and freelance writer who discusses her own experiences of Cerebral Palsy, as well as chronic pain and being partially sighted due to visual cortex disorder.

Topics of the blog include disability attitudes and the stereotypes that those with a disability are faced with on a daily basis. The aim of the blog is to share what it is like to be a disabled young person navigating the world of education, employment and life in general.

Carrie Ann Lightley

Carrie Ann Lightley is an accessible travel blog that shares accessibility reviews, disability travel guides and wheelchair travel tips.

Carrie spoke about why she set her blog up: “I have Cerebral Palsy, which means I use a wheelchair. I was brought up to believe that there is nothing I absolutely cannot do – there is always a way. My blog and travel writing are my way of sharing that belief with the world and celebrating accessible businesses that go above and beyond to make sure that everybody enjoys their holidays and travels.

“I've had readers tell me that they presumed certain destinations were impossible for them to travel to as disabled people. They've read my blog, been inspired, and actually had amazing trips to places that they thought were unreachable. That's the reason why I blog; there's no better feeling than knowing that you've helped another person to reach their goals.

“Accessible travel isn’t always easy, it does require a lot of extra planning and sometimes there are surprises along the way. For me, that makes the beach sunsets, the rooftop city views, and the countryside landscapes even more beautiful. To have overcome what feels like a million extra obstacles and be able to say, ‘I got here!’ is an amazing feeling. That’s why I have such a passion for the industry I work in; every day I help people to realise their accessible travel dreams and help businesses to make those dreams possible.”

Not Standing Still’s Disease

Blogger Kirsten has been diagnosed with a series of conditions, all of which she details on her blog, Not Standing Still’s Disease. She aims to help people with any disability navigate their way through life and on her site she talks about what she really enjoys about blogging.

“I really enjoy working most closely with those who are newly diagnosed and helping them to rediscover their lives after diagnosis. I can help people through this process by providing information and resources, coaching, education, and flexing that good old listening muscle.”

Shona Louise

Shona Louise started her blog when she was just 14 after feeling isolated at school but after coming across a community of bloggers online she felt much more at home.

She added: “For me, blogging gives me a voice and an outlet, as a disabled person I have to deal with a lot of frustrations in life, whether it be accessibility issues or ableism, and blogging gives me a platform to speak about that and hopefully change people's attitudes and improve the lives of disabled people. My blog is such a huge part of me now and regardless of opportunities outside of it I always come back to my own blog, my little corner of the internet to speak freely!”

Life on the Slow Lane

A 29-year-old, full-time wheelchair user with Ullrich Congenital Muscular Dystrophy, which is a rare, progressive and sadly widely unrecognised condition, Carrie from Life on the Slow Lane offers information, advice, hints and tips, as well as interviews and personal stories on her blog.

It offers information, resources accessibility and product reviews, interviews with notable disabled figures and personal stories and experiences that disabled people and carers will find helpful and relatable.

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Zachary Fenell

When asked about what made him start his lifestyle and mobility blog, Zachary shared: “I wanted to create a platform that would allow me to share my experiences living with cerebral palsy. My goal is to make a positive difference in other people's lives – I love feedback. If someone feels less alone after reading one of my posts or is better equipped for handling a situation due to advice shared in a post, that is amazing!”

The blog’s mission statement sums up what you can expect to read on this blog, ‘To educate and dispel cerebral palsy misconceptions in a fun, engaging way.’

Carly Findlay

Carly is an Australian blogger who aims to challenge people’s thinking about what it’s like to have a visibly different appearance.

She was born with Ichthyosis, a rare, severe skin condition, she hosted the first meetup for those with the condition in Australia in 2015, creating a network of friends as a result. Since starting her blog, she has previously been named as one of Australia’s most influential women in the 2014 Australian Financial Review and Westpac 100 Women of Influence Awards and has published a book about her disability.

Back Pain Blog UK

The Back Pain Blog UK site documents the story of Barbara and her personal journey with back pain. The blog shares a wealth of resources to help minimise the pain caused by conditions such as fibromyalgia and arthritis.

Barbara explains why she started blogging: “I had sold my business due to all my spinal problems and started writing to take me to another place away from my pain and it worked, and I made some lovely friends.”

A Journey in my Wheels

Having used a wheelchair since the age of three due to muscle weakness, Claire, from A Journey in my Wheels also contributes to Euan’s Guide to help inform people about accessible places in Dundee.

In her blog, Claire looks to open people’s eyes more to what it is like living with an impairment and the hurdles that people may face in their daily life. Whilst also showing people with an impairment that their impairment doesn’t own them, they own it.

CP Teens UK

CP Teens UK provides help, hope, inspiration and friendship to children and young people with Cerebral Palsy/physical disabilities, and their families. It allows you to connect with a network of other people with the condition, something that is extremely helpful for teenagers who might be feeling isolated by the condition.

Ellie, who founded the blog, said: “I started the blog because I wanted to reach out to other young people with Cerebral Palsy/physical disabilities. I wanted to create something straight from first-hand experience that people could identify with and relate to.

“My favourite thing about blogging is taking real-life scenarios and situations and making them funny! It's important not to take life too seriously and I think this is a feature that readers really enjoy.”

My New Normals

My New Normals is written by Nicole, a person living with Multiple Sclerosis. Created as a way of providing information to those who don’t fully understand the condition, she offers insight, whilst inspiring and reassuring those who also have the condition.

Rexy Edventures

Ed Rex is the Founder and Travel Editor for Rexy Edventures and is a respected reviewer of travel accommodation and services. His travel blog has a unique outlook on deaf travel as he is profoundly deaf himself and he shares his thoughts on the challenges this can have as well as sharing his expert opinion on places he has visited.

He spoke about his blog: “Other than a love for writing about my adventures, I started my blog out of pure laziness! I didn’t want to spend most of my time writing individual emails to the same people while I was travelling so I set up Rexy Edventures so everyone could follow my travels abroad. However, I was inspired by many travel bloggers at the time and I thought it was a fantastic way to have a record.

“My favourite thing about blogging is engaging with my audience. I love receiving emails, tweets and messages from people who have been inspired by my adventures. Over time, Rexy Edventures has become a place where I can discuss my adventures and unexpected activities at each destination! I still talk about deaf travel, but I now have set up another blog called the Deaf Traveller to focus on deaf travel in more detail.”

Blind Girl Adventures

Sassy is the writer behind the Blind Girl Adventures blog and she challenges perceptions through education and humour to empower others to be more disability confident.

She said: “I started my blog in 2015 with the aim of it being a resource for those without disabilities to share that living life with a disability may have its struggles and adaptations but we live a fulfilled life just like everyone else.

“From its inception, Thinking Out Loud and now Blind Girl Adventures has become a platform for others to share their stories too, whether they are a person with a disability or a carer for someone, showcasing that we are truly never alone, even if we feel like it. The community I have built from it has been astounding; I get people from around the world emailing me explaining that I have educated them in some way, or that I have made them feel less alone, and it puts the biggest smile on my face.”

BBH with MS

Meg from BBH With MS talks about why she set up the site and how it has become one of the best disability blogs around: “After I was diagnosed with MS, I began to journal and write about all the crazy things that were going on in my life and my body. I began a blog as another outlet for the stories and thoughts that were constantly pinging around in my mind. Initially, it was more about trying to get the words down (and out of my head) than connecting with and/or helping others. That came later as a much-appreciated perk!”

Have Wheelchair, Will Travel

Have Wheelchair Will Travel is one of the best disabled travel blogs for wheelchair users and carers to check out if they’re planning on arranging a holiday.

This Sydney-based family shares tips that they have discovered whilst travelling with their son, BJ, who has cerebral palsy. With posts split into categories, it is easy to navigate your way around the blog to find the information that you need, from airline policies with wheelchairs to equipment and services.

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A Couple Takes on MS

Dan and Jennifer Digmann are the writers behind the well-known blog A Couple Takes On MS and they also have a YouTube channel and have even co-written the book, “Despite MS, to Spite MS”.

They spoke about why they started the blog: “When we both were first diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, it was really difficult to find many positive voices on the internet that addressed living with MS. Everything seemed so negative and defeated that it was hard to have any hope for our future with this chronic progressive disease. After we got married, we wanted to be one of those positive voices for others living with MS or other chronic conditions — a man and a woman, both living with MS — making the most of living life to the fullest, in spite of their shared disease. We aren't out to sugar-coat the harsh realities of life with MS, rather we hope to empower other people to help them move forward.

“It's great having a platform, our blog, to share our stories of anger, frustrations and happiness, and to give a safe space for people to share stories of theirs with us. Such a platform helps to remind us all that we're not facing this disease alone and it gives us insights to help each other to live our best lives. We often say that we're going to keep blogging about MS so much that people will cure the disease just to shut us up. But they haven’t cured it yet, so we're still blogging!”

Steph’s Two Girls

Steph’s Two Girls was born after her youngest daughter’s diagnosis of a strain of Autism, Pathological Demand Avoidance. Her posts follow the journey of her children, Sasha and Tamsin, whilst offering resources for those who work with children with the condition, and parents of those who are going through similar things.

Different Dream

The Different Dream blog was started by Jolene Philo in 2009 before the publication of her first book, A Different Dream for My Child. The blog aimed to promote this book, but now it has evolved into a place for guest bloggers, most of whom are parents of children with special needs, to feature their writing. It also features books published by authors connected to special needs and disabilities in some way.

She said: “When our son was born with special needs in 1982, I longed to talk to other parents in similar circumstances. I am grateful for how the internet connects parents locally, nationally, and globally. I enjoy connecting with other parents and hearing their stories. I also enjoy hearing from parents who found answers to issues they struggle with or how-to ideas that simplify their caregiving duties.”

Girl With MS

Caroline from Girl With MS is a certified life coach, motivational speaker, journalist and patient expert living with Multiple Sclerosis.

Her blog covers topics such as scientific research, help to support your emotional well-being and diet plans to help you manage symptoms, all of which can be really useful for those who have recently been diagnosed with the condition.

Caroline also helps run a podcast and shares engaging content via a YouTube channel.

Enjoying the Ride

Enjoying the Ride is a blog written by Mitch, who at the age of 45, rediscovered his love of writing by creating this blog about living a contented life as a disabled person.

He said: “Soon after my initial blog posts, I began connecting with folks who benefited from my writing and whose stories profoundly affected me. I haven't stopped blogging since.

“My favourite thing about blogging is the connections. Although I spend most of each day by myself, I am not alone. I have built meaningful friendships with individuals all over the world who share my challenges. And each day, it seems, I meet someone new, and I am drawn into their life story. I don't know how I would carry on without this support network.”

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Wheelchair Mommy

Although Priscilla Hedlin, the author of the Wheelchair Mommy site, doesn’t write as regularly anymore, it is still a fantastic blog. She has a library of articles that discuss her life as a full-time mother of three young boys and how she continues to not only keep her independence whilst living in a wheelchair but also helps bring up her three children with her husband.

The blog highlights that restricted mobility isn’t a condition that just affects the older generation; plenty of younger people, from teenagers to mothers, all cope with reduced mobility across the world every day.

Best disability vloggers

Jessica Out of The Closet

Jessica, from Jessica out of the Closet, set up her university’s first-ever television society and from that was headhunted by a local TV station in Brighton.

“I found that my disabilities and a 9-5 job were rather incongruous, so I listened to my friends and moved to YouTube instead. After receiving a ‘You should be ashamed of yourself, you’re a disgrace to the disabled community’ message on my Instagram from someone who felt I wasn't 'disabled enough' I thought 'let’s show you, shall we?' In all honesty, that's probably my response to most things! That day, I set up my camera and started with: ‘This is me, I have these disabilities’. I set out to represent people with invisible disabilities and make the experience of disability less isolating.

“My favourite part about vlogging is my relationship with my viewers. I love the community that we have created and interacting with them. Reading their lovely feedback is very rewarding but by far the best bit is watching them come together and help each other in times of need.”

Lizzy Bunton Vlogs

Lizzy Bunton Vlogs is one of a handful of disabled mum’s on YouTube that openly talks about motherhood with a disability. She is a wheelchair user as she lives with a form of Muscular Dystrophy called CMT (aka Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease) and is a mum of three small children.

She vlogs about a wide range of things such as food shopping, clothes shopping, arts and crafts lessons with her children and other disability-related things.

ALSO READ: An older person's guide to the different social media sites

Molly Burke

Molly Burke is a blindness/visual impairment advocate and vlogger from Los Angeles. On her YouTube channel, she covers a whole host of topics and looks to challenge the damaging stigmas society holds in relation to blindness/visual impairments by educating viewers on what blind people are still able to do.

She also answers questions from viewers and regularly collaborates with other popular YouTubers to create fun videos that are also informative.

These resources, blogs and vlogs are just some of the ones on the internet that you can use to get information about curved stairlifts or other insight into people living with a disability.

If you have a recommendation for this list that you think should be included, you can reach out to us on Facebook to let us know!

For more tips, guides, and advice, make sure to visit our news page.

This news article is from Handicare UK. Articles that appear on this website are for information purposes only and are up to date as of the time of publishing