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How to maintain your stairlift

10th February 2014

A home stairlift can bring a fantastic sense of freedom to those who suffer from walking issues or arthritis, allowing users to continue living at home with complete independence. While a new stairlift often stays hassle-free for many years, it is important to keep your aid in tip-top condition to avoid the risk of any problems arising. With this in mind, here are some things for mobility aid owners to be aware of.

Keep an eye on the rails

Perhaps the easiest method of ensuring your stairlift never suffers any serious problems is to keep the rails free from obstructions; leaving items on the stairs which are covering the rail could create excess strain and cause a serious issue with your mobility aid. It is also worth getting into the routine of cleaning the rail once a week, but never with a damp cloth or scrubber as this could cause serious damage. Just wipe the rails clean or even use a little bit of polish. Alternatively, a vacuum hose is great for getting stubborn dust out of those hard to reach places.

Small signs of a serious problem

While all stairlifts from Handicare are made using the highest levels of craftsmanship, there is always a small chance a problem could arise at some point. Fortunately, there are numerous signals which could alert you to problems worth looking out for.

A stairlift is supposed to operate at a minimal level of noise, so should your device begin to produce excessive noise while travelling up or down its rail, there is a good chance that there could be a problem. Whether it’s the motor or the rollers which are playing up, it’s always best to call in an expert to diagnose the issue correctly. Another tell-tale sign is the ride, if you experience a juddering or slow-moving start. Again, this could be an issue with the motor, although another reason for the fault could be a leaking battery. Finally, your home stairlift should never make a beeping sound while in motion. If it does, this could be a sign that your device needs a service.

Service your stairlift regularly

While you may not have experienced any problems with your stairlift yet, it’s never a bad idea to regularly call in an expert to keep everything in perfect running order. In the same manner as you would with a rise and recliner chair, this level of stairlift maintenance is always carried out by trained professionals who offer a comprehensive check of the components – going into far more detail and spotting issues with much greater ease than the untrained eye. It is always advisable to have a routine service every year, although older stairlift models which are more liable to develop problems could do with being checked every six months.

Finally, make sure that your mobility aid is only used for its intended purpose. This means not allowing children to use the device unsupervised and not exceeding the maximum weight limit of the lift.

Have questions about stairlifts? Take a look at our helpful advice guides, covering a range of topics, including stairlift removalsecond-hand stairliftsstairlift aftercarestairlifts for parents, and other essential stairlift information

Image Credit: jingdianjiaju (

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