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Reasons why you should consider a stairlift

2nd January 2014

As we get older and our health becomes more fragile, problems arise which can reduce our levels of independence. Fortunately, there are a host of mobility aids which can be of help, the most popular of these being the stairlift.

While they can be invaluable, installing a stairlift or any other type of mobility aid should be carefully considered, as they could require a significant modification to your home. As a helping hand, here are just a few points to consider to ascertain whether getting a stairlift could be the right choice for you.

Help to maintain balance

Tackling the stairs is very often a difficult activity for the elderly, particularly if they have difficulty walking and struggle to get around without the use of a stick. If balance is already a concern, there is a high chance they could fall while climbing a staircase and suffer broken bones or another serious injury.

Although moving into a bungalow is one option, the installation of a stairlift could help to offer a better quality of life with the least amount of stress – ensuring that the can get back to living their retirement to the full. 

Whether the choice is for straight or curved stairlifts, the secure seat will allow movement around the home in complete safety and comfort – offering peace of mind to both the user and their family in the sense that they will not be struggling up and down the staircase by themselves. While it might seem like a significant sum to spend at first, it’s fair to say that you can’t put a price on safety. 

While considering the type of stairlift, it is important to think about whether or not the user could benefit from a swivel seat. Working in the same method as a standard office chair, it is designed to swing away from the staircase in either direction to make embarking and disembarking the stairlift far safer than normal.

Help with health conditions

The reason why a stairlift is considered to be one of the best mobility aids is because of the vast benefits they can offer in terms of user health, with many people not realising the amount of issues it can help resolve until it is installed.

Among the most common conditions which older people suffer with are rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, which can cause inflammation to one or more joints. A well-known issue amongst the elderly community, it’s not something that is easily cured and the pain is usually only localised with painkillers. It’s this lack of a quick fix which could be combatted to some extent with a stairlift, meaning that a trip upstairs doesn’t always result in pain.

While rheumatoid arthritis can develop suddenly and at any time, osteoarthritis is usually more common with the elderly and causes deterioration over many years. If osteoarthritis causes so much pain for you or your loved one that bending the knees is painful, why not consider investing in a perch stairlift?

Another interesting point is that a stairlift will also offer health benefits to the user’s spouse, other family member or carer, meaning they will no longer have to put their bodies under pressure to help the user safely navigate the stairwell. With over six million unpaid carers currently living in the UK, it’s clear that installing a stairlift or other mobility aid could help to offer a significantly better quality of life for many.

This news article is from Handicare UK. Articles that appear on this website are for information purposes only.